Itai Soffer - Not This Mind

// Made at Lemur Creatives

Ofir J. Rock - Stillness

Yair Rubin - Ha'Or Nishar

Yakir Hillel - Kah Lo Niret Ahava

Rachel Yaron - Paam Beyom

Sivan Shtolzenberg - Eize Mazal

Yaldey HaSade - Ha’Tmimut Nehersa

Hanan Ben Ari - Lo Levad

Rachel Yaron

Noy Roitebnberg - Mitahat LaHulza

Daniel Rubin - HaAlbum ShYair Et Ima

Noam Akotonas - Zer Dafna Lanezah

Daniel Rubin - Klom Lo Over

Golsie - Keeping Track of the Wind

Yossi Sassi - Illusion of Choice

Daniel Rubin - Ha’Sipur Be’Gadol

Lior Holtzer - Zkenot Medabrot Al Sport


Golsie - Walk from Town

Noga Erez - Dance While You Shoot

Golsie - Millennials Circle

Noga Erez - Pity

Golsie - Are You Ready to Wake Up

Itai Soffer - In My Arms // Made at Lemur Creatives

Octopus Color

Daniel Rubin - Hergshti Yafa

Itai Soffer

// Made at Lemur Creatives

Rachel Yaron - Hizdamnut Ahrona

Roby Fayer & Dorine Levy - I Don't Look Back

Lior Holtzer - Yihiye Beseder

Lior Holtzer - Ota Nekuda

Yakir Hillel - Heene Ha'Osher

Noam Akotonas - Yareach Heka Be Ha'Layla

Daniel Rubin - Shlosha Reva'im

Rachel Yaron - Eina'im

Noam Akotonas - Kedai Shetedei

Dani Gilboa - Ra VeTov

Rachel Yaron - Me’achurenu

Noam Akotonas - Zolelim

Shahar Vaknin - Erua Mishpahti

Mai Meler - Od Nire Et HaShemesh

Itay Mazilo - Victorious for a While

Yair Rubin - Kelev Ratz

Dorine Levy - Wasted

Yair Rubin - Al Ma At Holemet

Yair Rubin - Iton Me'Etmol

Dror Ben Nathan - Kama Kashe Lomar Shalom